Academic Team
The CDT is a collaboration between over 80 academics who supervise our PhD cohorts, deliver training elements, host short thematic broadening sabbaticals and provide a wealth of expertise, accessible to our partners.
Find out about the expertise of our academic team in our directory below:
How can I join the academic team?
If you are an academic at one of our eight partner institutions engaged in research related to aerosol science and wish to apply to be part of the supervisory team, please view our CDT Academic roles PDF and contact us at

Dr Bernardo Castro Dominguez
Department of Chemical Engineering
Smart process engineering for the next generation of materials, chemicals and processes.
Prof Andrew Preston
Department of Life Sciences
Infectious diseases; disease transmission; respiratory pathogens; airborne microbes; respiratory disease
Dr Adam Squires
Department of Chemistry
Basic process studies; new techniques for aerosols (e.g. synchrotron small-angle X-ray)
Dr Andrew Johnson
Department of Chemistry
Aerosol Assisted Chemical Vapour Deposition (AACVD); thin films; coatings; semiconductors; photo-catalysis
Dr Alborz Shokrani
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Innovative manufacturing; advanced machining processes; surface integrity; digital manufacturing; data analytics and machine learning; additive manufacturing
Dr Matthew Jones
Department of Pharmacy & Pharmacology
Inhaler devices; usability; dry powder inhalations; respiratory drug delivery
Dr Anton Souslov

Prof Roy Harrison
School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences
Atmospheric aerosols from emissions through airborne processes to effects on human health.
Prof Francis Pope
School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences
Aerosols related to air pollution, climate change, urban wellbeing and human health
Dr Soheil Zeraati Rezaei
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Transportation and power generation systems’ environmental pollutants characterisation, control, and impact
Dr Jose Herreros
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Prof Zongbo Shi
School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences
Prof Christian Pfrang
School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences
Prof Athanasios Tsolakis
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Dr Karen Aplin
School of Civil, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Instrumentation and measurement; atmospheric aerosols; electrostatics; ionisation; microphysics
Dr Alberto Gambaruto
School of Mechanical Engineering
Computational fluid dynamics; applied mathematics; upper respiratory airways; transport and deposition; multiphysics modelling
Dr Peter Martin
School of Physics
Radiation, nuclear, fallout, accident, dispersion
Prof Jonathan Reid
School of Chemistry
Atmospheric aerosols; drug delivery to the lungs; droplet drying and phase change; airborne disease transmission; formulation science
Prof Dudley Shallcross
School of Chemistry
Metals; modelling; SOA; Criegee intermediates; climate change
Dr Bryan Bzdek
School of Chemistry
Single particle; optical tweezers; mass spectrometry; indoor air; surfaces
Dr Darryl Hill
School of Cellular and Molecular Medicine
Dr Rachael Miles
School of Chemistry, CDT Course Manager
Single particle; microphysical properties; heat and mass transfer; light scattering; reactions
Dr Alison Rust
School of Earth Sciences
Volcanology; fluid dynamics; ash; dispersion; nucleation
Dr Matthew Watson
School of Earth Sciences
Volcanology; remote sensing; UAVs; volcanic ash and gas; climate engineering
Dr Michael Cotterell
School of Chemistry
Aerosol optical properties; cavity ring-down spectroscopy; photoacoustic spectroscopy; single particle trapping
Dr Anwar Khan
School of Chemistry
Dispersion models; secondary organic aerosol; gas-particle partioning
Prof Andrew Orr-Ewing
School of Chemistry
Extinction; refractive index; spectroscopy; CRDS; trapping
Prof Walther Schwarzacher
School of Physics
Ice nucleation and supercooled droplets

Dr Jethro Akroyd
Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology
Detailed particle model; Kinetic Monte Carlo; population balance modelling; carbon; titanium dioxide
Dr Chiara Giorio
Department of Chemistry
Atmospheric chemistry; aerosol; analytical environmental chemistry; mass spectrometry; chemometrics
Prof Simone Hochgreb
Department of Engineering
Nanoparticle measurement; soot measurement; instrument development; aerosol flow; sprays
Prof Markus Kraft
Department of Engineering
Particle synthesis using aerosol flow reactors (e.g. carbon nanotubes, carbon black)
Dr Megan Davies Wykes
Department of Engineering
Laboratory experiments; fluid dynamics; pollution dispersion

Prof Robert Chilcott
Department of Life and Medical Sciences
Aerosol exposure; particle size analysis; SEM-XDS
Dr Victoria Hutter
Department of Life and Medical Sciences
Drug delivery to the lungs; in vitro modelling of inhaled therapeutics
Prof Darragh Murnane
Department of Topical Drug Delivery and Toxicology (Life and Medical Sciences)
Drug delivery; inhalation; formulation sciences; particle engineering; pharmaceutical aerosols
Dr Laura Urbano
Department of Clinical and Pharmaceutical Science
High content imaging; in vitro model; formulation; micro & nanoparticles; microfluidics
Dr Loic Coudron
School of Engineering and Computer Science
Digital microfluidics; aerosol collection; detection; biosurveillance; electrowetting; electrostatic precipitation
Dr Ian Johnston
School of Physics, Engineering and Computer Science
Collection, microfluidics, identification, sample-prep, protection
Dr Benjamin Richard
School of Life and Medical Sciences
Airborne fungal spore dispersal; climate change; disease forecasting; plant pathology; modelling
Dr Nikolay Dimov
School of Physics Engineering and Computer Science (SPECS)
Computational Fluid Dynamics, Biosensing, Fluidics
Dr Richard Greenaway
School of Physics, Astronomy and Mathematics
Particulates; light scattering; respirable; software design; data analysis; instrumentation
Dr Daniel McCluskey
School of Physics, Engineering & Computer Science
Biodetection; collection systems; pathogen; sample processing; mechatronic systems
Dr Chris Stopford
Department of Physics, Astronomy, and Mathematics
Real time particulate aerosol detection

Prof Wendy Barclay
Department of Infectious Disease
Droplet, aerosol, coronavirus, influenza, transmission
Dr David Green
School of Public Health
Aerosol measurement; source apportionment; health impacts; chemical composition; particle size distribution
Prof Peter Lindstedt
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Combustion and soot
Prof Alexandra Porter
Department of Materials Engineering
Toxicology of particles; enhanced electron microscopic imaging
Prof Terry Tetley
National Heart and Lung Institute
Inhalation toxicology; particulate air pollution; nanodrug development; respiratory disease
Prof Denis Doorly
Prof Yannis Hardalupas
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Atomisation; sprays; laser diagnostics; turbulent dispersion; particulate emissions
Dr Marc Masen
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Tribology, particles, wear, contact mechanics
Dr Stelios Rigopoulos
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Population Balance Modelling; General Dynamic Equation; Soot; Nanoparticles; Aggregation
Dr Omar Usmani
National Heart and Lung Institute
Inhalation therapeutics, drug delivery to the lungs
Prof Matthew Fisher
School of Public Health
Bioaerosols, Fungi, infection, health, disease
Dr Jerry Heng
Department of Chemical Engineering
Surface properties; nucleation; crystallisation; wettability
Dr Asha Patel
National Heart & Lung Institute
Inhaled delivery of advanced therapeutics such as mRNA
Dr Marc Stettler
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Aerosol sources; combustion aerosols; air pollution; aerosol measurement; morphology
Dr Stephanie Wright
Medical Research Council (MRC) Centre for Environment and Health, School of Public Health
Methods of microplastic detection, characterisation and quantification using vibrational- and mass spectrometry-based techniques coupled to chemometrics; Sources, transport, and fate of airborne microplastics; Exposure to microplastics in ambient and indoor air.

Prof Andrew Bayly
School of Chemical and Process Engineering
Droplet and aerosol dynamics; droplet and particle drying; particle structure formation; formulation science; spray drying
Dr Amirul Khan
School of Civil Engineering
Turbulent dispersion; Computational Fluid Dynamics; Wall bounded turbulent flows; Air Quality; Airborne Infection
Prof Catherine Noakes
School of Civil Engineering
Indoor air quality and airborne infection, ventilation and building performance
Prof Dwayne Heard
School of Chemistry
Air-aerosol interface; heterogeneous atmospheric chemistry; chemical kinetics; photochemical oxidation; atmospheric modelling
Dr Tariq Mahmud
School of Chemical and Process Engineering
Multi-scale process modelling and CFD; Synthesis of particulate materials via crystallisation and spray drying processes
Prof John Plane
School of Chemistry
Planetary atmospheric chemistry; cosmic dust; mesospheric clouds; stellar outflows
Prof Nik Kapur
School of Mechanical Engineering
Droplets, sprays and coatings, fluid flow and heat transfer
Prof Ben Murray
School of Earth and Environment
Laboratory studies of atmospheric aerosols including ice

Dr James Allan
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Atmospheric aerosol science; in situ atmospheric instrumentation
Dr Jonathan Crosier
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Cloud microphysics, with emphasis on the formation and development of ice, and its influence on the development of precipitation
Dr Amanda Lea-Langton
School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering
Smoke formation; organic carbon emissions; environmental aerosol
Prof Gordon McFiggans
School of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Atmospheric composition; clouds & aerosols; computer modelling; marine atmospheric chemistry
Prof David Topping
School of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Computational models; machine learning; data
Prof Hugh Coe
School of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Particle detection; physical and chemical characterization; gas/ particle conversion; instrumentation; sampling and data analysis methods
Prof Sheena Cruikshank
School of Biological Sciences
Immunology; epithelial cells; microbiome; pathogen; innate cells
Dr Gloria Lopez-Castejon
Lydia Becker Institute of Immunology and inflammation/SBS
Inflammation; danger; macrophages; cell death; cytokines
Dr Benedict Rogers
School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering
Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH); numerical methods
Dr Paul Williams
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Aircraft emissions; small sensors; experimentalist
Dr Paul Connolly
School of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Clouds, aerosols, mixed-phase, nucleation, meteorology
Prof Martin Gallagher
Earth and Environmental Science
Cloud-Aerosol Interactions; Surface atmosphere exchange of aerosols; Aerosol instrumentation; Real-time bioaerosol detection; Aircraft measurements of aerosols
Dr Nicholas Marsden
Department of Earth and Environmental Science
The development of analytical techniques for applications in cloud physics, air quality and climate change; Mass spectrometry; Instrument development; Mineralogy; Electrospray Ionisation; Liquid Chromatography; MALDI.
Dr Holly Shiels
Cardiovascular Sciences, School of Medical Sciences
Heart, physiology, metabolism, environment, pollution
Dr Aristeidis Voliotis
Earth and Environmental Science
Air pollution; health effects; secondary organic aerosols; physical chemistry; mass spectrometry

Prof Melanie Bailey
Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Director of SEISMIC facility for single and sub-cellular “omics” and elemental imaging of particulates through UK National Ion Beam Centre
Prof Prashant Kumar
Global Centre for Clean Air Research (GCARE), School of Sustainability, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Dr Erick Giovani Sperandio Nascimento
School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering, Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering
Artificial intelligence; deep learning; physics-informed neural networks for atmospheric and aerosol processes; sustainability; multimodal foundation models; modelling diffusion, advection, deposition and chemical transport processes of aerosol particles using computational modelling and deep learning methods.
Dr David Birch
School of Mechanical Engineering Sciences
Advanced sensors, instrumentation and technology for fluid measurement
Prof Lidia Morawska
Prof John Watts
Dr Matteo Carpentieri
School of Mechanical Engineering Sciences
Wind tunnel modelling of flow and dispersion processes, microclimate, ventilation and urban areas

EPSRC CDT in Aerosol Science
University of Bristol
School of Chemistry
Cantock's Close
Bristol, BS8 1TS
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