Annual Forum on Education in Aerosol Science
We gather once a year to celebrate and further education in aerosol science, considering both classroom or laboratory teaching and the supervision of doctoral research in this interdisciplinary field.
First Annual Forum on Education in Aerosol Science, June 2019
- Launching the educational approach of the CDT
- Introducing Team-Based Learning for teaching aerosol science

Second Annual Forum on Education in Aerosol Science, July 2022
- Facilitation of inter-team discussions during TBL
- Meeting diverse needs in the TBL classroom
- Expectations of supervision during a doctorate in aerosol science

Third Annual Forum on Education in Aerosol Science, May 2023
- Views from the coalface (but hopefully not the canaries!): Hearing from our first cohort of postgraduate researchers as they approach graduation.
- Co-creating the future of education in aerosol science.

EPSRC CDT in Aerosol Science
University of Bristol
School of Chemistry
Cantock’s Close
Bristol, BS8 1TS
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