What is Dragons’ Den? 

The Dragons’ Den is the assessed component of the Professionalism and Translation unit that our postgraduates (PGRs) complete in the first training year in the Aerosol Science CDT.

Working in interdisciplinary teams (6-7 members) and supported by a partner mentor, PGRs prepare a technology or service development plan which addresses an aspect of a user-led aerosol grand challenge; the challenge for 2022-23 was Indoor Air Quality.

PGRs receive training in ideation, project management, market analysis, regulation and IP to support them in developing their plans, as well as advice on communicating and pitching their ideas. Seven working days are given for teams to synthesise their solutions and prepare their pitches, providing an experience of working to tight deadlines!

Teams pitch their technology or service development plans to an independent panel of partners with a range of commercial and scientific experience in a finale event. Academic marking is performed by CDT academics observing the pitches.
The pitch deemed to be the most investible by the partner panel is awarded that years Dragons’ Den pitching prize!

Previous winners:

Cohort 2019
Topic: Replacement of HFA propellants in inhaled therapies
Winning Team: Max Robson, Toria Legh-Land, Pete Knapp, Khaled Alzahabi and Katie Thompson

Cohort 2020
Topic: Airborne disease transmission
Winning Team: Fergus Lidstone-Lane, Georgia Gamble, Jo Egan, Rob Alexander, Rob Lewis

Cohort 2021
Topic: Aerosol in Aviation
Winning Team: Hao Zhang, Skhathi Mthembu, Abi McConnell, Gwen Lawson, Alex Mitchener

Cohort 2022
Topic: Indoor Air Quality
Winning Team: Henry Blake, Kennedy Peek, Erin Kiely, Charlie Stainton-Bygrave, Sam Hall, Daisy Ann Young, Sorrel Haughton

Cohort 2023
Topic: Plant Protection Products
Winning Team 1: Armin Markazi Omidvar, Charlotte Reston, Fraser Crawford, James Summers, Kexin Qiu, Ryan Hyde
Winning Team 2: Emily Winter, Felix Dobree, Oscar Zhang, Phoebe French, Simon Bate, Zhuo Chen

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EPSRC CDT in Aerosol Science

University of Bristol
School of Chemistry
Cantock's Close
Bristol, BS8 1TS

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