Furthering Education in Aerosol Science
The EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Aerosol Science was established in 2019 with funding of £14.5M. As a centre for doctoral training in aerosol science, much of our effort is focused upon understanding and improving education in this area.
We have identified the key knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary for successful practitioners of this rapidly-evolving, interdisciplinary field, and ensure that our postgraduate researchers have the opportunity to engage in practice, receive feedback and be assessed in each of these areas. We are committed to drawing upon research on how learning works and research-based instructional strategies in devising this practice, feedback and assessment. We conduct educational research aimed at understanding; (i) How aerosol science can be taught effectively and ways in which this can be improved; (ii) the experiences of our postgraduate researchers; and (iii) issues relating to doctoral education more broadly.
We are building a community of educators with an interest in aerosol science through our annual forum on education in aerosol science, which considers both classroom teaching and supervisory practice.
Drawing on the model of the Carl Weiman Science Education Initiative, a science education specialist (Dr. Kerry Knox, University of York) has been embedded within the CDT from an early stage in its development. If you would like more information or to work with us on any of these initiatives, please contact Kerry using kerry.knox@york.ac.uk.

We have captured the training needs of the UK aerosol science community in nine competencies for graduates of our CDT.
Practice, feedback and
assessment strategies
We are committed to adopting research-based instructional strategies in order to offer the optimum training environment for our postgraduate researchers.

Learn more about our educational research and view our growing list of contributions to the knowledge bases on education in aerosol science and doctoral education more broadly.
Annual forum on education
in aerosol science
We gather once a year to celebrate and further education in aerosol science.

Outcomes and impact (Coming Soon)
Explore the emerging impacts of the CDT in the area of education.
Resources to support educators teaching aerosol science or working in doctoral education settings.

EPSRC CDT in Aerosol Science
University of Bristol
School of Chemistry
Cantock’s Close
Bristol, BS8 1TS
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