Partnerships Board members
The Centre for Doctoral Training in Aerosol Science is a multidisciplinary collaboration between over 85 industrial and public-sector partners.
Members of the Partnerships Board collectively represent the 85+ industrial, NGO and governmental organizations that constitute the Aerosol CDT partnership network. The board currently consists of representatives from the 5 thematic areas which are Health, Technology, Atmospheric Aerosols, Measurement Techniques and Basic Aerosol Processes.
Please contact our CDT Partnerships Manager if you would like more information regadring our Partnerships Board.
“Our CDT leads the world in training the next generation of aerosol scientists and engineers via education and ground-breaking research. Now, more than ever, collaboration across academia, industry and government is critical to solving the greatest global challenges. Our partners play a crucial role in ensuring that our CDT is providing the best training experience and addressing the challenges that they face now and in the future.”
Listen to an Industrial Partner, Academic and students explain the benefits of collaborative projects and the reasons why our CDT is an excellent collaborative and multidisciplinary environment and network to be part of.
Dr Marc Stettler- Aerosol CDT Partnerships Director
Dr Marc Stettler is Reader in Transport and Environment in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Imperial College London. His research focuses on evaluating and reducing the effect of transport emissions on climate change and air pollution, with particular attention to understanding sources and effects of aerosols emitted into the atmosphere. He has over 80 publications and has led numerous projects in collaboration with industry. He is the General Secretary of the UK and Ireland Aerosol Society and a member of the Advisory Committee to the Travel Impact Model administered by Google. He leads the Network of Excellence in Aerosols and Health and is the institutional lead for the Aerosol Science CDT at Imperial.
Dr Chunli Cao - Healthy Air Technology Ltd
Dr. Chunli Cao is an award-winning entrepreneur and a recognized woman thought leader in sustainability. With extensive expertise in air quality, computational fluid dynamics, energy efficiency in buildings, Building Information Modeling (BIM), and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), she has driven numerous innovative projects in these fields. Her strength in business development has propelled Healthy Air Technology Ltd to the forefront of environmental solutions, leveraging cutting-edge research and technology to achieve commercial success. A fellow of CIBSE, CEng, and MIMechE, Dr. Cao also contributes her global perspective to advancing environmental science and technology, particularly in China, the UK, and the Middle East.
“My experience with the CDT in Aerosol Science has been exceptionally rewarding. The collaborative environment and access to cutting-edge research have significantly advanced our understanding and innovations in air quality, health and wellbeing and aerosol science. We hope to leverage the CDT in Aerosol Science’s expertise to drive groundbreaking research and innovations in improving indoor air quality, healthy and wellbeing and energy efficiency.”
Erkki Lamminen - Dekati Ltd.
Erkki Lamminen studied aerosol physics at Tampere University of Technology with a focus on particle dilution and conditioning systems for combustion aerosols. He has been with Dekati Ltd. for over 20 years working on different aspects of business development and instrument research for particulate measurements. Erkki participates to ISO and CEN working groups related to particle measurement. He is currently a board member and the VP and Sales Director of Dekati Ltd.
Dekati Ltd. develops and manufactures a wide range of particle measurement and sample conditioning instruments for research and regulatory measurement purposes.
Dr Dan Hardy - Founder of Microsol Ltd.
As the founder of Microsol Ltd., I lead a passionate team committed to revolutionising inhaled and nasal drug delivery through cutting-edge technologies. We leverage a powerful synergy of advanced aerosol characterisation and computational pharmaceutics modelling to unlock groundbreaking solutions for respiratory illnesses. Beyond scientific advancement, I’m committed to building a responsible and sustainable company, delivering on the 3 P’s of the triple bottom line.
With a PhD in Physical Chemistry and over two years of experience as an Assistant Course Manager at the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Aerosol Science, I have a strong interdisciplinary background and a passion for innovation, impact, and education. I also support a cohort of 70 talented founders as a Zinc Visiting Fellow, helping them to build scalable businesses that tackle the environmental threats to our health. I am a mountain biker and mechanic, who enjoys breaking and fixing bikes at roughly the same rate.
Connect with me to discuss the future of drug delivery, explore strategic partnerships, or simply share your passion for scientific innovation!
“It has been amazing to work with bright students on placements. They bring enthusiasm and innovative ideas into the business. I’m exited for engaging with academic and industry partners on the scientific challenges we all face and really looking forward to engaging with five cohorts of extremely talented and highly trained students.”
Dan Richards - Chief Engineer - LettUs Grow
Dan Richards is the Chief Engineer at LettUs Grow, an aeroponics technology company based in Bristol. LettUs Grow uses ultrasonic atomisers to produce aerosol to feed crops for a number of different sectors. Dan’s principal expertise is in Ultrasonics, having completed a PhD at the University of Glasgow, and he has worked in engineering for 15+ years.
“LettUs Grow has long been affiliated with the CDT and the University of Bristol with the 3 founders having graduated from Bristol. We’ve found the association with the CDT to be really beneficial, and being able to be involved with the wealth of knowledge and expertise within the group to be really helpful in the application side of our technology and its development.“
Dr Andrew Brown - Principal Scientist & Science Area Leader of Air Quality and Aerosol Metrology Group - NPL
Dr Andrew Brown is a Principal Scientist and the Science Area Leader of the Air Quality and Aerosol Metrology Group at the National Physical Laboratory (the UK’s National Measurement Institute). Andrew’s work focusses on traceable methods for the physical and chemical characterisation of particles in air. Current research interests include measuring the composition of non-exhaust vehicle emissions, measurements of particle surface area as a metric relevant to the negative health effects of airborne particles and advancing the state-of-the-art of measurements of environmental DNA (eDNA) in air for biodiversity monitoring.
Andrew also oversees the technical delivery of three UK ambient air quality monitoring networks which NPL operates for the Environment Agency and Defra. He was part of the NPL Team awarded the Royal Society of Chemistry’s 2024 Technical Excellence Prize for successful delivery of these networks for more than two decades.
“My involvement with the CDT in Aerosol Science over the last few years has been inspiring – it’s great to see the PhD students develop very strong technical, communication and other skills during their time in the CDT. The CDT is doing an outstanding job in providing industry and academia with the next generation of high calibre aerosol scientists.“
Dr Dongyu Wang – Applied Scientist - Siemens Smart Infrastructure
Dr. Dongyu Wang is an Applied Scientist at Siemens Smart Infrastructure headquartered in Zug, Switzerland. He has a research background in atmospheric chemistry, mass spectrometry, and aerosol characterization. Through participation in the Partnership Board, he is interested in exploring next-generation sensing technologies and computational techniques to make buildings more sustainable while ensuring the comfort and well-being of occupants.
Siemens Smart Infrastructure is a market leader in buildings, electrification, and grids. Our technology transforms infrastructure at speed and scale, enabling collaborative ecosystems to accelerate our customers’ digital journey.
Dr Delphine Bard -Principal Scientist at (HSE) Science Division - Health and Safety Executive (HSE)
Dr Delphine Bard is a physical chemist with over 25 years’ experience in the occupational measurement and characterization of airborne particles. She is a principal scientist at the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) Science Division, who leads and undertakes research and development work for the evaluation of exposure and risks to hazardous dust, nanomaterial, new technologies and advanced materials.
Her expertise includes knowledge of occupational health and safety practices; exposure assessment and characterisation of airborne particles, fibres and dust; aerosol measurement; risk assessment.
Delphine is the HSE Science Division leading specialist in nanomaterial and ultrafine particles exposure assessment. She actively participates in national and international committees and represents HSE on British, European and international standard committees for Nanotechnology and Assessment of workplace exposure – Particulate Matter.
She is involved in the OECD Working Party on Manufactured Nanomaterials, and has been involved in PEROSH (Partnership for European Research in Occupational Safety and Health) and WHO (World Health Organisation) projects and networks. Delphine contributed to the WHO guidelines on safe handling of nanomaterials.
Her research interest includes:
- Workplace exposure assessment and development of practical workplace measurement strategies
- Aerosol measurement, sampling and characterisation of airborne dust and fibres
- Performance of real-time aerosol and low cost sensor devices for particulate matter
- Health and safety risks from hazardous dust and fibres
- Safe use of nanomaterials, advanced materials and new technologies in workplaces
- Safety by design
- Standardisation and metrology
“My experience with CDT has been fantastic and I am looking forward to further working with the Aerosol CDT. As a partner, I have felt fully integrated, consulted, and heard. The collaboration between academics and partners in developing postgraduate training and research programs is highly valuable to HSE. It aligns well with HSE priorities and meets our needs in training scientists.”
Dr Sweta R. Batni - Science &Technology Manager in Digital Battlespace Management Division - DTRA - USA
Dr. Sweta Batni is a Science and Technology Manager in the Digital Battlespace Management Division within the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) Research and Development / Chemical and Biological Technologies Department. She is an interdisciplinary researcher and infectious disease epidemiologist who currently manages a diverse and complex science and technology portfolio of epidemiological and health effects modeling and simulation tools and data science initiatives to support biosurveillance decision support and medical planning operations against new and emerging chemical and biological threats for the Joint Science and Technology Office (JSTO) of the Department of Defense Chemical and Biological Defense Program (DoD CBDP). During her tenure at JSTO, Dr. Batni successfully transitioned EpiGrid, an epidemiological modeling tool, to DTRA technical reachback for operational use to model the geographic and temporal spread of COVID-19 and has initiated a fundamental research program in utilizing AI/ML to solve issues at the nexus of biological defense and operational planning for the CBDP. Prior to joining DTRA in 2018, Dr. Batni has served as an infectious disease contractor supporting global public health training and response operations for a number of US Government agencies including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Department of State, and the Department of Health and Human Services. Dr. Batni holds a Ph.D. in Global Infectious Disease from Georgetown University and has joint masters’ degrees in infectious disease epidemiology and international health policy from the Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health and the Johns Hopkins University Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies.
“As a partner to the CDT in Aerosol Science, I am looking to provide an interdisciplinary training opportunity and mentorship for experimental aerosol scientists from the CDT to work in computational modelling and simulation fields to support the development of generalizable modelling frameworks to model the health impacts of chemical and biological threat agents for applied, operational mission needs for the Department of Defense Chemical and Biological Defense Program (CBDP)”
Jenny Carrington - Air Quality Associate - Cundall
Jenny Carrington is a Chartered Scientist (CSci) with nearly 20 years’ experience as an environmental specialist, working on a range of multi-disciplinary projects. Since graduating from her MSc in Environmental Monitoring and Assessment in 2005, she has been working on a variety of projects related to air quality, odour and geoenvironmental / contaminated land. Jenny has been working in private consultancy for construction engineering companies since 2007 and prior to that spent time working within the Environmental Health team at a Local Authority.
She is experienced in assessing environmental liabilities associated with projects and compliance with relevant policy and legislation. She is an experienced modeller, being fully conversant with atmospheric dispersion modelling as part of more detailed air quality and odour assessments. She is also experienced in detailed quantitative risk assessment for controlled waters risk assessments or human health. She has managed numerous air quality monitoring programs and intrusive ground investigations. This includes bioaerosol monitoring to fulfil permit requirements for waste treatment sites.
Jenny is a Member of the Institute of Air Quality Management (IAQM) and the Institution of Environmental Sciences (IES) and an Affiliate member of the Chartered Institution of Building Services (CIBSE). She currently works as an Associate Consultant at Cundall – a global, independent, multi-disciplinary consultancy delivering sustainable engineering and design solutions across the build environment.
“Keen to collaborate, to expand knowledge and service offering to enable involvement in a wider range of aerosol related projects.”
Dr Simon Clark – Scientific Leader - Aerobiology and Infection – UKHSA
Dr Simon Clark is a Scientific Leader specialising in aerobiology, vaccinology and infectious disease, within the Vaccine Development and Evaluation Centre, at the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA), at Porton Down. He has over 20 years of experience studying the aerosol transmission of human pathogens, the impact of phenotype and environmental factors on survival of pathogens in aerosols, and subsequent effects on infection and disease. UKHSA is an executive agency, sponsored by the Department of Health and Social Care, and is responsible for protecting all communities from the impact of health threats including those from infectious diseases, chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear incidents
“For me, the CDT in Aerosol Science continues to provide a vital and unique resource for training current and future scientists, in addition to creating an international network of collaborations between academic, industry and government partners, resulting in an experienced and multidisciplinary forum with which to overcome the many challenges in this discipline.“
Dr Carsten Kykal – Sales Manager R&A EMEA - TSI
Carsten studied atmospheric physics and received his PhD at TU Munich combining particle instruments and homemade fluid mechanics solutions to characterize aerosols of same size on their optical properties. In 2008, he joined TSI as an application engineer and moved into a sales role a few years later still supporting aerosol and fluid mechanics researchers. Since 2023 Carsten is leading the sales and applications team for particle instruments in EMEA.
“I have never seen such a great approach for aerosol science and doctoral researchers in the field before and would have loved to have had such an opportunity during my PhD time.“
Dr William Ganley – Senior Specialist - Nanopharm
Will started his career as a postdoc in the Pharmaceutical Surface Science Lab at the University of Bath, UK focussing on advancing physical characterisation and simulation techniques for dry powder inhalers. In 2019 he joined Nanopharm as Head of Computational Pharmaceutics where he led the development of Nanopharm’s modelling and simulation capabilities from the ground up. Will is now a senior member of the Science & Technology department at Nanopharm where he supports customers in development and regulatory strategy and manages a portfolio of research and development projects. Will has authored a number of peer reviewed publications, has presented his work at a range of international conferences and is a Scientific Advisor for the Drug Delivery to the Lungs conference.
“Aerosol science is critical to Nanopharm’s mission of developing orally inhaled and nasal drug products. Through our partnership with the Aerosol Science CDT we have access to high quality training material for our staff, have joined a network of experts in the field and had the opportunity to conduct research and development through the centre. This has really benefitted our business and I look forward to a continued relationship into the future.“
Dr Pascal Lemaitre - IRSN
It’s seven o’clock and I hear the alarm clock go off. Still in a fog, I drag myself under the hot shower. The bathroom mirror becomes opaque and my daughter, who is drawing shapes on it, asks me:
“Daddy, why can’t we see anything in the mirror anymore?”
Late, I rush to get her dressed to take her to school. I start the car.
“Daddy, what makes the car go?”
In the pouring rain, I rush to get her to school and the questions rain down:
“Daddy, why is it raining this morning? Daddy, what are all those clouds?”
We finally arrive at the school. The clouds dissipate, allowing the sun’s rays to penetrate. I take the opportunity to roll down the car window and take a deep breath of fresh, clean air. In front of us is a marvellous rainbow.
“Daddy, that’s a beautiful rainbow, do you think it’s magic?” This time we’ve finally arrived, and I take the time to answer her:
“Yes, Dove, it’s a beautiful rainbow, it’s a bit of magic, the magic of physics, have a good day, darling.
-Good day, Dad. What are you going to do today at work?
-I’m going to study these tiny droplets and try to understand their magic…”
“Broaden my network with best aerosol scientists, find partners for major projects on aerosol science and metrology.”
Dr Richard Thomas - Principal Microbiologist - DSTL
My background training is in microbiology where over my 20 years at the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl) have developed a wide range of research interests in aerosol science, aerobiology and high containment research.
These includes understanding how microorganisms survive, transport, resuspend and transmit in the aerosol phase, development of infection models and assessment of therapeutics, to developing and testing novel bioaerosol sensing concepts.
A strand running through is delivery by multidisciplinary research drawing on and developing novel approaches through collaboration within Dstl or externally. Recently I have acted as Dstl point of contact for the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council and Centre for Doctorial Training (EPSRC CDT) in Aerosol Science and developed an internal Aerosol Community to foster connections of aerosol researchers across Dstl.
“The CDT in Aerosol Science has had a positive impact on Dstl as a source of training materials for staff, and delivery of research through targeted studentships (totalling five Tier 3 studentships to date). Dstl has recently placed one of its own staff on the scheme gaining benefits from the cohort-based training and networking. On a personal level, it is great to access the breadth of research covered by the CDT and see the development of the students and their research over the years. I look forward to increasing links within the CDT over the coming years.”
Industrial Partners’ contribution to the CDT Partnerships Board 2020-2023
We thank our following Partners for all their contribution and support to the CDT and our Partnerships Board since 2020.
Prof Adam Boies - Former Aerosol CDT Partrnerships Director, 2019-2024
Prof Adam Boies is Reader of Nanomaterials and Aerosol Engineering within the Energy Group. His research focuses on characterizing the evolution, dynamics and impacts of gas-phase nanoparticles with an emphasis on energy applications, aerosol instrumentation and emissions. He is director of the Advanced Nanotube Application and Manufacturing (ANAM) Initiative and is Partnerships Director of the Aerosol Science Doctoral Training Centre. He is a Fellow of Trinity College and has over 70 publications and 11 patents. His group has produced three spin-outs, were he serves as Research Director for Catalytic Instruments, advisor to Atmose Ltd and as a co-founder of Echion Technologies.
“The Aerosol Science CDT serves a unique role in training future industrial scientists and engineers with collaboration from leaders in industry and government to address critical problems facing the discipline. Never before has the need for Aerosol Science been so apparent, and the strong community of industrial, governmental and academic partners is addressing challenges that our partners face domestically and internationally”
John Saffell - Alphasense Ltd Co-founder
John Saffell was co-founder of Alphasense Ltd in 1997. He has a BSc in Chemistry and MSc from MIT (1975) and PhD in Materials Science from Cambridge University (1979) and is Chairman of the Council of Gas Detection and Environmental Measurement (CoGDEM). Alphasense manufactures optical particle counters and, working with Universities of Cambridge and Hertfordshire, is developing new low cost ultrafine, BC and PM detection systems with support the CDT in Aerosols.
Dr Matthew D Wright - UKHSA
Dr Matthew D Wright is Senior Aerosol Scientist in the Toxicology Department, Centre for Radiation, Chemical & Environmental Hazards (CRCE), Public Health England, where his research interests include exposure and health risk assessment of a range of aerosols including airborne particulate matter, nano-enabled consumer products, carbon nanotubes and e-cigarettes. Public Health England is an executive agency of the Department of Health and Social Care whose mission is protection and improvement of the nation’s health and wellbeing, and reduction of health inequalities.
“Aerosol science underpins much of the research in inhalation toxicology and aerosol exposures undertaken within CRCE, and being part of the Partnership Board of the CDT in Aerosol Science provides a chance to help shape the training agenda for future researchers with the skills and knowledge to develop our programmes, and also to link with academics and industrial partners to undertake worthwhile research projects by hosting CDT students in areas of mutual interest.”
Dr Nick Martin - Science Area Leader - National Physical Laboratory
Nick Martin is the Science Area Leader of the Air Quality and Aerosol Metrology (AQAM) Group at the National Physical Laboratory (NPL), UK. He is involved in research and development projects associated with AQ monitoring and is a member of CEN TC264 European Standardization Working Groups developing documentary measurement standards for low cost sensors, reference instruments and diffusive samplers. Nick is an ex officio member of DEFRA’s Air Quality Expert Group (AQEG).
NPL is part of the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, and its primary role is supporting measurements, whether providing demonstrably high accuracy or simply ensuring that they are fit-for-purpose.
“I am keen to be involved in this CDT to learn more about the new aerosol expertise and capabilities being developed in the academic world and industry. I am also enthusiastic that NPL’s work in this area be widely disseminated to the community, and to engage with early career scientists to build up networks of contacts for future collaborative projects or employment opportunities.”
Dr Martin Pick - Chief Operating Officer - Q-Flo Limited
Martin is Chief Operating Officer of Q-Flo Limited. He is Materials Scientist with board level experience in the private and public sectors including in multinational, SME and Start-up organisations. He has also undertaken Ministerially appointed roles delivering economic development programmes.
“The flexible approach and availability of innovative and talented students make the Aerosol CDT an ideal partner to help address the next stage challenges presented by our manufacturing processes.”
Alex Slowey - Formulation Specialist - Kindeva Drug Delivery
Alex Slowey is a pharmacist with over 20 years’ experience in the pharmaceutical industry. In May 2020, he joined Kindeva Drug Delivery as a formulation specialist at their inhalation centre of excellence in Loughborough.
Alex is specialised in early phase development activities related to the formulation of new and existing molecules for pulmonary and nasal delivery. He has expertise in a number of key areas, including providing technical and project leadership to development programmes.
Alex’s interests include aerosol science in relation to the formulation of inhalation devices using innovative approaches, with direct application to the delivery of molecules via the pulmonary and nasal routes.
Kindeva Drug Delivery, formerly 3M’s drug delivery business, is a CDMO offering integrated, end-to-end formulation, product development, scale-up manufacturing and commercial manufacturing services, with an innovation offering spanning inhalation, transdermal delivery, and microneedles.

EPSRC CDT in Aerosol Science
University of Bristol
School of Chemistry
Cantock's Close
Bristol, BS8 1TS
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