3rd Annual Aerosol Science CDT Sandpit Event

In my capacity as director of the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Aerosol Science, it is a great pleasure to welcome you to our Third Annual Sandpit. Clearly this sandpit is very different from our previous events. However, as we look forward to defining the PhD projects for recruitment to the third cohort, we hope the event will provide you with valuable opportunities to share your research ideas and identify potential collaborators, both in academia and industry. The CDT continues to thrive, despite the current challenges. Indeed, aerosol science has never been more important. Now just over 1 year from our launch, we have an academic team of well over 50 members with support from almost 50 industrial and public sector partners. Our first cohort of 14 students have now moved on to the research phase of their PhDs and we are about to welcome a second cohort of 20 students. We hope you find the sandpit informative and that it sparks lots of research ideas as we move forward to recruiting our third cohort.
Sandpit 2020 Programme
Scroll through our programme to find out more about our event.
Explore our CDT prospectus
Scroll through our prospectus to find out more about our CDT and our industrial and academic partners!
Accessing webinars and the e-Portal
Tier 2 members have access to research webinars and the e-Portal, containing CPD materials. An introduction to the e-Portal is available here.
If you are interested in exploring routes to engage with the CDT in Aerosol Science, reach out to us at aerosol-science@bristol.ac.uk

EPSRC CDT in Aerosol Science
University of Bristol
School of Chemistry
Cantock's Close
Bristol, BS8 1TS
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